Bike Friendly BDA

Improving Mobility & Accessibility through Increased Bicycle Infrastructure


We are adding bike repair stations and bike racks in downtown so that people have more opportunity to come downtown and visit their favorite businesses without a car. Check the map of existing bike racks below, and then scroll down to see how we can get more!


  1. Identify areas of highest use and highest need for more bike infrastructure.

  2. Order and install 2-4 bike repair stations and important locations in downtown.

  3. Work with a local artist to construct U-shaped bike racks with a placard that says “HOME” welded between the sides in various languages spoken in Beaverton.

  4. Install one bike corral and six individual bike racks in downtown Beaverton.


  1. July 9 – Bike repair stations installed

  2. July 31 – Artist contract begins for bike corral and rack construction

  3. September 30 – Bike corral and rack installation

Information for Funders

Our initial budget for this project is about $9,500. This funding will cover two bike repair stations ($1,700 each), six individual racks ($400 each), and one bike corral ($2,400). This program will be completely funded by sponsors, grantors, and donors, and we would love your support!

Information for Property Owners

We have created a map of bike racks in downtown and are deciding where to install future bike racks. You may request one by emailing us!

Information for Artists & Fabricators

If you would like to construct U-shaped bike racks with “HOME” as a middle panel on the racks, you may let us know! We will request a budget estimate for 12 racks and ask for examples of your prior work. Email Kevin or Ann for more information.

Contact Information

Kevin Teater, BDA Executive Director – (503) 332-5419

Ann Moorhead, Program Coordinator – (971) 269-9153